It is hard to believe it’s already July! No doubt, times are interesting. We’ve managed to keep our doors open to clients during the pandemic, so we think battling Nebraska’s hottest month will be a cinch! These are our top picks for staying cool when attempting to beating the summer heat:
Get Outside
Yep, at the top of our list is to get some fresh air! But wait… it’s hot! Our favorite time of day is early morning before it gets toasty. Take a stroll to the park, take your dog for a jog around your neighborhood, meet a friend for coffee outdoors, or walk around the nearby lake. Anything really! The goal is to get moving, be social (with social distancing in mind), and to avoid staying cooped up indoors all month.
Become Organized
Balance your day by tackling a lingering project. We know it is so easy to feel overwhelmed by what you want to get done, so start by making your bed! Wait, what?! Yes, make your bed! That first accomplishment of the day will help set your mind on a positive trajectory. After making your bed, you’ll feel more confident to get after something you have been neglecting for too long. Try to stay focused on one project at a time. Check tasks off your list before starting new ones. And don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done! Ice cream. An acai bowl topped with your favorite fruit. Pool time. Really, any of these sounds fantastic!
Identify Indoor Activities
Winter is not the only season for planning indoor activities. Try beating the summer heat with one of these pastimes:
Exercise – You don’t need much space for a quick 15 minutes of movement. Yep, truly, that is all you need to get your heart rate up and oxygen flowing. Find a friend to help hold you accountable for your daily fitness. Text them before you start and message them again when you’re done. Everyone can benefit from a cheerleader; find yours!
Read– Do you have a stack of books you’ve been hoarding but can’t seem to crack a single page? The easiest way to carve out 20 minutes of reading time is to cut down on scrolling through your Instagram and Twitter feeds. Just. Do. It.
Pick a flick – There are so many great movies available to stream from the comfort of your home. Get festive by dressing up to “attend” that Broadway musical you’ve been excitedly anticipating the release of. Document your “night in” with an Instagram-worthy photo. You never know… you may inspire friends to get creative with their movie nights, too!
However you choose to beat the heat, we hope your summer is filled with good vibes and plenty of wins as you check off those neglected projects. Happy July!