We want you to be the healthiest you! That’s why we offer free STI screening and treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. You don’t need to be pregnant to access our testing services. It’s important to get screened if you are sexually active and think you’ve been exposed to a STI, or are pregnant. Your partner also may get treated if you test positive. Learn more by calling our helpline.

We screen and treat for chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are two of the most reported bacterial infections among adults. Our services are totally free. There are no hidden fees and you don’t need insurance. If you test positive for either disease, your partner is eligible to receive free STI screening and treatment too. For men requesting STI services who are not in relationships with our clients, we refer to other community clinics that provide the same services at no cost.
You should get tested for a STI if you have had a new partner or multiple sex partners, per CDC recommendations. There are four types of sex that can put you at risk for contracting a STI. The four types of sex include mutual masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex. Many infections are passed between partners even with no symptoms present. Condoms do not provide 100 percent protection even if used consistently and correctly each time. However, condoms can reduce your risk of getting pregnant or contracting a STI.
The United States has seen an escalation of prevalence in sexually transmitted infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the U.S. saw a notable rise in cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia. The CDC documented a concerning jump in gonorrhea cases, up by nearly 5 percent over 2020. Meanwhile, chlamydia infections climbed to 1.6 million, up by 4.1 percent from 2020.*
If left undetected, a STI increases your risk of serious medical complications. Prolonged STI infection could produce difficult health outcomes such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, increase HIV risk as well as other medical conditions.**
Rising trends in STIs highlights the critical need for timely testing and effective treatment strategies to curb the spread of these infections. The infections associated with the STD epidemic are all preventable. So, if you are sexually active, get screened. Early identification and treatment are key to preventing and managing these outcomes. Schedule your appointment and get your free screening today at EPS!
You have a lot to consider when it comes to your decisions regarding your pregnancy and health. And this is especially true when it comes to making the choice of abortion. Surgical are abortions are invasive procedures. If you are potentially positive for a STI and you do not get treated before a surgical abortion, you risk the possibility of the infection traveling through your cervix during the procedure, which can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Thankfully, you can lessen your concerns about getting PID and get screened for STIs at EPS. Our nursing team provides support services at no cost and so you do not need to worry about any hidden fees.
Our confidential STI services are free to you, and you can get tested whether you are pregnant or not. Receive compassionate, professional care at two of our Nebraska locations – EPS Maple Village (3029 N 93rd Street) and EPS Bellevue (908 W Mission Ave). Contact our helpline today to access our free screening and treatment services. A nurse is available to listen to your concerns and to help you. Request your appointment by clicking on the button below. You also can text us.
Everything is free which would make you think that office wouldn’t look nice, have friendly staff, you would be rushed, it would be a long wait, or be overcrowded. But it wasn’t. I’m happy I came here and I’m very thankful for the information and services I was given.
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