Right, I can do hard things. But what does that even mean? Girl, you will face challenges in this life – no doubt! There will be curveballs thrown your way every week, and hey, possibly every day. That’s just life, there are constantly going to be uphill battles.

So, how do you know I can do hard things?
You were born to overcome obstacles and difficulties. You have already fallen many times, and what did you do? Over and over again, you proved others wrong and you got right back up. Didn’t you? We know you did because you’re reading this today. You must remember that you have already survived every single day of your life. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Not one day in your past kept you from moving forward. You made it here, didn’t you?

But this situation feels impossible.
So, you may be thinking…
Yeah, I made it here, but this situation is far more serious than anything I have ever faced before. Or, I am so confused. My current situation isn’t anything I can talk to my friends and family about. Or, I don’t know the first thing about the path I am on and who to talk to. If any of these thoughts have crossed your mind and you are also pregnant, know that we are here to listen to your concerns without judgment. And anything you share will be kept confidential. We want to be here for you in your current situation.

So have hope. You found us! Sometimes the hardest part of finding a solution is figuring out where to go. And you just did that! You found us and we want to support you. You are strong! You are courageous, and you will continue to do hard things. This we know is true! So, keep your chin held high. We think you are pretty special, and we will walk alongside you every step of this journey! If you would like to talk with someone about your situation please reach out to us – call or text our helpline.