Finding out you’re pregnant as a teen can be pretty scary. You might feel overwhelmed, afraid to tell your parents, or worried that your future dreams are now unreachable. Your whole world might feel uncertain and challenging, but you are not alone. At Essential Pregnancy Services, we understand what you’re facing, and we’re here to support you as you navigate these changes.

Support: The Foundation of Success

Going through this on your own would be extremely difficult. Everyone needs support sometimes. By leaning on the people you love and engaging with organizations like Essential Pregnancy Services, you can find both practical help and emotional support. Whether you need advice on navigating your next steps or just someone to listen to you when things get tough, we are here for you.

Choosing Your Path With Confidence

Your future is STILL yours to decide. Whether you are undecided about your pregnancy and unsure what you’re going to do, or you end up parenting or exploring adoption — the choice is 100% yours. At EPS, we provide information and support to help you make the best decisions without feeling judged.

Shattering Old Myths

A lot of the fear about teen pregnancy is based on bad information and assumptions that are often completely false. History has shown that young moms can accomplish amazing things, such as singer-songwriter Solange Knowles (sister to Beyoncé), who became a mother at 18 and still managed to forge a successful career. Actress Sofia Vergara was only 19 when she had her son. She then became one of television’s most prominent stars, all while balancing motherhood and acting. These stories illustrate women who confronted the trials of teen pregnancy and still pursued their dreams!

Balancing School and Parenting

Finishing school while raising a child is challenging, but it’s definitely achievable. Many schools offer programs to assist young parents, such as childcare centers or flexible scheduling. Take advantage of these resources to make your educational journey manageable. Be sure to speak with your school counselor as soon as possible to make a plan and determine how they can best support you.

Dealing With Negative Judgments

Sadly, there are always those who are quick to judge. Remember, their opinions do not define you or your potential. Focus on nurturing relationships that build you up and help you stay positive.

Emotionally Riding the Waves

The journey through pregnancy and beyond can be an emotional roller coaster. It’s natural to have days when it all feels like too much. Engaging with a counselor or joining a group for teen moms can provide you with the support you need to manage these feelings effectively. EPS is here to provide pregnancy and parenting support and community referrals to make sure you have all the help and resources you need.

Building a Strong Support Network

  • Identify Solid Support: Is there someone in your life who is consistently supportive? It could be family, a best friend, or even a trusted teacher. Sharing your challenges with them can lead to surprising amounts of support.
  • Tap Into Local and Community Resources: While EPS offers extensive support, exploring additional community resources can provide extra help, whether it’s with childcare, education, or connecting with peers who are facing similar challenges. Reach out to us, and we can help connect you with appropriate resources.

EPS Is With You Every Step

We understand that facing a teen pregnancy can feel like your whole life has been turned upside down. But remember, EPS is here to help you make sense of things and figure out a plan that works for you. From the first pregnancy test to parenting classes down the line, we are dedicated to helping you and your baby thrive. If it ever feels like too much, or you just need someone to talk to, we’re always just a call or text away.

Remember, you are NOT alone! EPS is available to help, guide, and listen to you. Never hesitate to reach out to our team — that’s why we’re here. You’ve got this, and we’ve got you!